Governors' Area

Learning about Sportsmanship

Published: 29th November 2022

Bourne Westfield was delighted to welcome back EFL Select Group 2 Referee, Josh Smith, to the school.  Josh, who was the special guest at the Year 6 leaver assembly in July, returned to talk to the children about the importance of good sportsmanship and the impact that bad choices can have.  Children also looked at where sportsmanship fits into Bourne Westfield’s school values and the Westy Way.

Josh spoke to all of Y6 and had them eating out of his hand as he talked about the trials and tribulations of refereeing some tricky Championship and Premiership teams. He explained about some of the difficult decisions he had to make and how players might react – hopefully showing good sportsmanship. The children then thought about how this also applied to their games and – more widely – their overall attitude. Several pupils got to wear referee kits and he kept the ‘question and answer’ session pacey with souvenir coins for every child that answered a question correctly.

Josh is following up this session and working with a group of Year 6 children to learn more about developing great sportsmanship and attitude.

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