Children at Bourne Westfield Primary Academy have spent the week in the run up Remembrance Sunday immersed in learning about Remembrance and the reasons why we wear poppies. Poems have been written and art work has been completed. The children reflected on how events in history have shaped our country, why it is important to remember the conflicts from the past and how they have affected people’s lives. They were also mindful that many people still live within conflict today.
Year 6 ‘poppy sellers’ have visited all classes at the school to sell poppies on behalf of Bourne’s branch of the Royal British Legion and they visited the neighbours to the school to invite them to the school’s annual Remembrance Coffee Morning and Remembrance Assembly.
Our week of remembrance will not finish there though as on Sunday two children will represent the school in the Remembrance parade in Bourne to show their respect for those who have made such huge sacrifices. The children will lay a school wreath during the moving service.