Governors' Area

Our Victorian Day by Year 6

Published: 4th October 2023

Today, myself and the Year 6 classes at Bourne Westfield Primary Academy, travelled back in time to 1887 – to the Victorian era! We experienced what it was like to attend Victorian school. First, we had to hand in 1d (one penny) to pay for our education and, as we entered, our hands were inspected for dirt and grime. We were forced to sit in rows with boys at the front and girls at the back which felt extremely unfair.

Next, we had to write with chalk on a slate - it was impossible! After that we had Bible readings. Our strict teacher (Mrs Smith) asked me what the first book in the Bible was called. I answered “Chapter One?” which was how I ended up standing in the corner wearing the Dunce’s hat!

Soon after, we chanted our 7x table over and over. During this my partner (Florence) and I turned around to look at our friends behind us. For this we got the cane! We rounded off the experience by writing out ‘Children should be seen and not heard’ over and over again. All in all it was a fun day but I’m so glad every day at school is not like this!

Emmy Wood 6KS


Ivy Michaelson(6KS)added:

“The lessons were awful We did the 3 ‘R’s - Reading wRiting and aRithmetic. We had to chant the rhyme:

“Good, better, best,

Never let it rest,

Til your best is better,

And your better best.”

We wrote on a slate and I found that really hard.

I liked understanding what life was like for children in the Victorian era but I’m glad my school isn’t like that!”




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