Last Friday, the Year 6 children at Bourne Westfield Primary Academy had a brilliant day creating their own WW2 tanks. The children constructed their vehicles using ultrasonic ranger finders, motors and circuit boards. They then used Crumble to write a programme to instruct the tank how to move so that their tanks did not crash. Following this, Bourne Grammar School invited the children to make use of their Design Engineering Department where Mr Delport delivered a lesson on how to use CAD (Computer Aided Design). Here the children designed the casing for their tanks and got to see the laser cutter in action. This was a fantastic experience for our children and they were so excited to visit the school and to have firsthand experience at creating their own 3D design.
Mrs Dickons, Year 6 teacher, commented, “It was great that all children were able to experience the full process from design, to programming to building.”